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Elementary > Grammar-schede

Genere e numero - Gender and number

La maggior parte dei nomi cambiano al plurale.
Most noun endings change from the singular to the plural.

Nomi maschili in/Masculine nouns ending in O

singolare/sigular   O
gatto ( cat)

plurale/plural    I
gatti ( cats)


libro (book)
zaino (rucksack)
albero (tree)
tavoloi (table)

libri (books)
zaini (rucksacks)
alberi (trees)
tavoli (tables)

Nomi femminili in/Feminine nouns ending in A

singolare /singular A
palla (ball)

plurale/plural  E
palle (balls)


casa (house)
porta (door)
pizza (pizza)
tazza (cup)

case (houses)
porte (doors)
pizze (pizzas)
tazze (cups)

Nomi maschili e femminili in E/Masculine and feminine nouns ending in E

singolare/sigular     E
fiore (flower)
chiave (key)

plurale/plural      I
fiori (flowers)
chiavi (keys)


sapone (m) (soap)
nave (f) (ship)
sale (m) (salt)
lezione (f) (lesson)

saponi (m) (soaps)
navi (f) (ships)
sali (m) (salts)
lezioni (f) (lessons)

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