Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2009 14:31:17 -0000
Thank you for your Christmas greetings. Should like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year and at the same time to thank you for this wonderful course which has helped me enormously to improve my knowledge of the beautiful Italian language.
Kind regards
Duane Cameron Dundee, Scotland
On 2008-08-04 at 10:21:33,
Bill Dobson
Hallo you! Great web site. I found exactly what I was looking for. I will recommend your page to all my friends!
On 2008-06-25 at 13:44:32,
Diana Culic
I would like to apply my theoretical knowlege of Italian because it is difficult to find any exercise books in my city. Thank you very much
On 2008-03-09 at 17:45:23,
My password is working -everything is fine. Mille grazie. Your site is outstanding. It is such a bargain for a year membership. I plan on telling others about your site it is great!! A presto Jeff Powers

On 2006-07-23 at 18:49:47,
The University of Vermont - Italian grammar review
Many wonderful exercises are free and marked as such, although you must sign up for access to the rest of the exercises (36 Euro gives you access to it for one year--a good deal, really. iluss.it (an excellent Italian language website)
Prof. Cristina Mazzoni
On 2008-05-09 at 12:33:54,
Robert Gorton
This absolutely is the best site I have found for self study of Italian.
On 2008-03-09 at 12:33:54,
Bonnie Sangster
You are wonderful all of you for putting this together, we may take a trip to Italy, thanks for all your hard work and making this available
On 2008-11-04 at 04:59:14,
Michail Apladas
Your site is very helpful
On 2008-07-27 at 11:09:05,
Rochelle Angeles
I think Iluss is a woonderfull opportunity to explore the beautiful language of Italia
On 2007-01-02 at 09:27:51,
Sig.na Lucia Iglesias
Complimenti per il vostro lavoro! era da molto che cercavo una cosa come questa grazie!
ILUSS ITALIANO ONLINE è un'associazione senza scopo di lucro che promuove la lingua e la cultura italiana nel mondo, è uno strumento valido ed efficace per studenti, scuole, università, biblioteche e insegnati d'italiano. Le quote associative ci consentono di coprire i costi di amministrazione, aggiornare il materiale didattico e creare nuove unità.