CELI exam CISL exam - Self-learning Italian Language online

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CELI exam CISL exam

Learn Italian online by yourself
Do you plan to get a Celi or Cisl certificate?
ILUSS tests help you choose the right exam to take according your proficency skills
IIuss Learning Resources help you preparing for Celi/Cisl exams

Asses your Italian language skills according to CEFR, so you can check your language proficiency level then decide which level of the Celi / Cils exam to take. CELI certificate, issued by Perugia University, and CISL certificate, issued by Siena University within the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe), are the Italian language passports that are recognized all over the world.
The tests you find on this page asses your Italian language skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), so you can check your level of Italian language proficiency then decide which level of the Celi / Cils exam to take.

TEST n ° 1 evaluates if your level corresponds to A1 (beginner) or A2 (elementary) of the CEFR.
TEST n ° 2 evaluates if your level corresponds to A2 (elementary) of the CEFR
TEST n ° 3 evaluates if your level corresponds to A2 / B1 (elementary / intermediate) of the CEFR
TEST n ° 4 evaluates if your level corresponds to B2 / C1 (intermediate) of the CEFR
For the preparation of the CELI/Cisl exams ILUSS Learning Rsources associated with online learning with one of our teachers have always been a decisive help.

You can find out where the closest office to you is to take the CELI exam at https://www.unistrapg.it/en/certificati-di-conoscenza-della-lingua-italiana/centri-d-esame-celi

You can find out where the closest office to you is to take the CISL exam at https://cils.unistrasi.it/84/16/Le_sedi_di_esami.htm

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