Italian language courses and resources for individual learners - An easy and fast way to self-learn the Italian language

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Italian language courses and resources for individual learners

Learn Italian online by yourself
A complete and effective way of self-learning the Italian language

Courses and resources for dedicated learners

ILUSS for STUDENTS membership offers access to our online courses, from beginner to advanced level, and to a large and complete self-studying variety of learning resources.

Join ILUSS to access all ILUSS Learning Resources

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ILUSS 12 month membership
Learning resources for dedicated learners
ILUSS 4 month membership
For a fast and intensive learning

ILUSS learning material is designed specifically to help people who need to learn Italian fast, fluently, and forever. You can learn Italian words, practise Italian grammar, look at basic rules, listen to Italian stories, prepare for exams, do tests or just have fun playing games. Enjoy yourself with more than 1000 exercises online. New units are added monthly.

ILUSS offers now a more complete way to learn to speak Italian, combining the online ILUSS self-studying materials with one to one online Italian lessons. One to one online Italian lessons with an ILUSS tutor can be arranged separately (optional). ILUSS self study material combined with online practice is an easy and effective key to successful Italian language learning.

ILUSS STUDENTS members have access to the ILUSS online resource series, including:

  • courses from beginner to advanced level,

  • four levels of tutorial grammar lessons,

  • a large selection of in-depth exercises for beginners, elementary, intermediate and advanced students,

  • 50 grammar units

  • 1000 interactive exercises coming with grammar units

  • tests for self-assessment

  • 8 self-assessment tests

  • 8 printable tests which teachers can use in class

  • authentic texts selected from current newspapers and magazines or radio/TV transcripts, with notes, vocabulary lists, and comprehension exercises (new units on current events added periodically)

  • 50 reading units accompanied by notes and vocabulary lists

  • more than 200 interactive exercises coming with reading units

  • audio texts with interactive exercises featuring both simple sentences and longer texts

  • 60 listening interactive exercises (Mp3)

  • interactive exercises presenting new groups of words. Student's learning progress is monitored.

  • 50 vocabulary exercises

  • 3,000 words used in the lessons and listed in the glossary

  • an easy and enjoyable way to learn the meaning and the conjugations of regular and irregular verbs.

Turkishs learning Italian
Union college Italian class

ILUSS- Italian Language Update School Service is a non-profit organisation which promotes the Italian language and culture abroad. It is a convenient, useful resource for students, schools, colleges, universities, libraries and teachers worldwide. Membership fees enable us to cover our administrative costs and to continue providing new learning materials.

Italian language
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