EDU-subscription - An easy and fast way to self-learn the Italian language

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a valuable aid for Online Teaching
12 month membership is 190 Euro (USD 213)
For classes, teachers, schools and academics

ILUSS EDU Membership gives schools and teachers of Italian the opportunity to provide online resources for their students.
If you are a busy Italian language teacher or trainer looking for support and materials for your classes, we can help you with our teaching resources and our collection of links to free materials from websites for teachers. An effective way to make your school known to those who wants to study Italian.

Payments for ILUSS Italian Online are made at PayPal, but you do not need to own a PayPal account to pay: you may enter your credit card's data directly at PayPal and complete your payment. You don't need to register a PayPal account neither.
Once we have successfully processed your payment we will send you your ILUSS ID and Password normally within short time. If within 24 hours you don't receive anything from us please write to
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